Monday, January 23, 2012

Sophia's Heaven

There are some children who, for whatever reason, weigh so heavily on my heart and mind.  Sophia, who has the brightest blue eyes I could ever get lost in, is one of those children.

Ayden recently asked me to tell her about heaven.  My first thought went to Sophia.  A mother who did not care and tend to her unborn daughter, and sent her daughter to live in an orphanage because of HER mistakes.
Sophia shows the physical characteristics of a child born to drug and alcohol abuse - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, almost total vision and hearing loss, missing and deformed limbs, hydrocephaly, cleft lip and palate.

My heart aches for her, and I imagine what heaven will mean to her.  It will mean no orphanage, no physical or mental disabilities, no loneliness, and best of all, spending each and every moment with the one who said "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Oh, Sophia, my heart aches for you, and my prayer is that your family finds you and gives you a glimpse of what heaven looks like from here.  Maybe someone who reads this will call Sophia their daughter, is it you?

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